LMT10 0 A N D LMT 20 0 |
M AG N E TOS T R I C T I V E L E V EL T R A N SM I T T ER S | FF O I/L M T 10 0/ 2 0 0/FF - EN R E V. A
Hose / Gear
Zero Mark
Figure 9 LMT200 Mounting
• The electronic housing, in reference to the sensor tube, is
indicated by the model number:
– B1 or B2 – the housing is at the bottom of the sensor tube
– T1 or T2 – the housing is at the top of the sensor tube
• LMT Series transmitters are factory-calibrated to the
measuring length indicated by the ML on the device tag,
unless otherwise specified upon ordering
• Attach the LMT Series device to the side of the magnetic level
gauge (MLG) using the included worm gear clamps
• The gear clamps should slide between the scale and the level
gauge chamber It may be necessary to loosen the gear
clamps holding the scale to the MLG to install the transmitter
clamps Do not loosen all of the gear clamps all at once
• Align the factory zero mark with the “0” measurement mark
on the scale of the center of the bottom process connection
and tighten all gear clamps
Do not mount the LMT200 directly next to or touching the
steam tracing, if installed on chamber It is not
recommended to mount the LMT200 under an insulation
blanket If this is done, verify the sensor design can
withstand the full process temperature, and do not insulate
any closer than 6” from the sensor elbow connection
Figure 10 LMT200 Single Level Top / Bottom Mount
• Prior to installation, verify the model of the transmitter is
suitable for the intended application Information regarding
the model specifications may be found on the corresponding
LMT Series datasheets
• LMT Series transmitters mounted in high vibration areas
(such as near a compressor) should be mounted using
vibration isolators Vibration isolators take the place of the
standard mounting clamps
• The electronics housing should be maintained in the following
ambient conditions:
– Temperature range: -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
– Humidity: 0 to 95% R H non-condensing
• Proceed with the electrical installation (Refer to Section 6
“Transmitter wiring” )