I.L. 41-490H
The KD-10 and KD-11 relays require settings for
each of the three compensators (T, T
, and T
each of the auto-transformers primaries (S, S
, and
) and secondaries (M, M
, and M
). All of these
settings are made with the relay de-energized using
taps on the tap plate located between the operating
units. Figure 3 shows the tap plate.
Compensator (T, T
and T
Each set of compensator taps terminate in inserts
which are grouped on a socket and form approxi-
mately three quarters of a circle around a center in-
sert which is the common connection for all of the
taps. Electrical connections between common insert
and tap inserts are made with a link that is held in
place with two connector screws, one in the common
and one in the tap. There are two T
settings to be
made since phase B current is passed through two
compensators. A compensator tap setting is made
by loosening the connector screw in the center. Re-
move the connector screw in the tap end of the link,
swing the link around until it is in position over insert
for the desired tap setting, replace the connector
screw to bind the link to this insert, and retighten the
connector screw in the center. Since the link and
connector screws carry operating current, be sure
that the screws are turned to bind snugly. Be careful
not to overtighten these screws.
Auto-Transformer Primary (S, S
and S
Primary tap connections are made through a single
lead for each transformer. The lead comes out of the
tap plate through a small hole located just below or
above the taps and is held in place on the tap by a
connector screw (see Figure 3).
An “S” setting is made by removing the connector
screw, placing the connector in position over the in-
sert of the desired setting replacing and tightening
the connector screw. The connector should never
make electrical contact with more than one tap at a
Auto-Transformer Secondary (M, M
, and
Secondary tap connections are made through two
leads identified as L and R for each transformer.
These leads come out of the tap plate each through
a small hole, one on each side of the vertical row of
“M” tap inserts. The lead connectors are held in
place on the proper tap by connector screws.
Values for which an “M” setting can be made are
from -.18 to +.18 in steps of .03. The value of a set-
ting is the sum of the numbers that are crossed when
going from the R lead position to the L lead position.
The sign of the “M” value is determined by which
lead is in the higher position on the tap plate. The
sign is positive (+) if the L lead is higher and negative
(-) if the R lead is higher.
An “M” setting may be made in the following manner.
Remove the connector screws so that the L and R
leads are free. Determine from the Tables I to III the
desired “M” value. Neither lead connector should
make electrical contact with more than one tap at a
Line Angle Adjustment
Maximum torque angle adjustment, if required, is ac-
complished by adjusting the compensator loading
resistors P3, P
, and P
. Refer to Section 13, Re-
pair Calibration, for procedure.
Indicating Contactor Switch (ICS)
Connect the lead located in front of the tap block to
the desired setting by means of the connecting
screw. When the relay energizes a 125 or 250 volt dc
type WL relay switch, or equivalent, use the 0.2 am-
pere tap; for 48 volt dc applications set the unit in a
tap 2 and use a type WL relay with a S#304C209G01
coil, or equivalent. The relay is shipped set for 2.0
The relays should be mounted on switchboard pan-
els or the equivalent in a location free from dirt, mois-
ture, excessive vibration and heat. Mount the relay
vertically by means of the mounting stud for the type
FT projection case or by means of the four mounting
holes on the flange for the semi-flush type FT case.
Either the stud or the mounting screws may be uti-
lized for grounding the relay. The electrical connec-
tions may be made directly to the terminals by
means of screws for steel panel mounting or to the
terminal stud furnished with the relay for thick panel
mounting. The terminal stud may be easily removed