KNX Technical Reference Manual
-KNX Millenium
Description of applications /
KNX Technical Reference Manual | 1473-1-8681
— 92 —
Object name
Data type
Value switching (1 Bit)
1 Bit EIS1 / DPT 1.001
C, W ,T ,U
Value switching (1 Byte 0 … 100 %)
1 Byte EIS6 / DPT 5.001
C, W ,T ,U
Value switching (1 Byte 0 … 255)
1 Byte EIS14 / DPT 5.010
C, W ,T ,U
Value switching (2 Byte Float)
2 Byte EIS5 / DPT 9.xxx
C, W ,T ,U
Value switching (2 Byte Signed)
2 Byte EIS10 / DPT 7.001
C, W ,T ,U
Value switching (2 Byte Unsigned)
2 Byte EIS10 / DPT 8.001
C, W ,T ,U
Value switching (4 Byte Float)
4 Byte EIS9 / DPT 14.xxx
C, W ,T ,U
Value switching (4 Byte Signed)
4 Byte EIS11 / DPT 13.001
C, W ,T ,U
Value switching (4 Byte Unsigned)
4 Byte EIS11 / DPT 12.001
C, W ,T ,U
Pos: 31.19 /Layout bis 2014-11-11/Online-Dokumentation (+KNX)/Applikations- / Objektbeschreibungen/KNX/KNX-Sensorik/Millenium/6125-26-29-IR - Bedienelement/Applikationen "Bedienelement mit Multifunktion"/Applikation "1-Tasten-Wertsender 2 Objekte" @ 41\mod_1422540190858_15.docx @ 331464 @ 2 @ 1
Application "1-button value transmitter, 2 objects"
When actuating and/or releasing the buttons, two telegrams with predefined values are sent from two different
communication objects. In each case, the application makes a separate set of parameters and communication
objects available for the 1st and the 2nd button. The application makes it possible, for example, to send out a
switching function and a floating point value when actuating one side of the button and to assign an additional
"button-oriented" function to the other side of the button.
General parameter
Objcet type for rising edge
• 1 bit
• 1-byte 0..100%
• 1-byte 0..255
• 2-byte float
• 2-byte signed
• 2-byte unsigned
• 4-byte float
• 4-byte signed
• 4-byte unsigned
Objcet type for falling edge
• 1 bit
• 1-byte 0..100%
• 1-byte 0..255
• 2-byte float
• 2-byte signed
• 2-byte unsigned
• 4-byte float
• 4-byte signed
• 4-byte unsigned