KNX Technical Reference Manual
-KNX Millenium
Description of applications /
KNX Technical Reference Manual | 1473-1-8681
— 55 —
Pos: 31.7.86 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Applikation/Objekt-RTR/Module/Sollwerteinstellungen — Hysterese für Umschaltung Heizen/Kühlen (x 0,1°C) @ 40\mod_1421741480026_15.docx @ 313484 @ 3 @ 1
Setpoint settings - Hysteresis for switchover heating/cooling (x 0.1°C)
Setting option between 5 - 100
This parameter specifies the one-sided hysteresis for switching between heating and cooling
when "Setpoint heating comfort = Setpoint cooling comfort" is active. If the room temperature
exceeds the setpoint temperature value plus hysteresis, the system switches to cooling. If the
room temperature falls below the setpoint temperature value minus hysteresis, the system
switches to heating.
This parameter is only available when the "Setpoint heating comfort = Setpoint
cooling comfort" parameter is set on "Yes".
Pos: 31.7.87 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Applikation/Objekt-RTR/Module/Sollwerteinstellungen — Solltemperatur Komfort Heizen und Kühlen (°C) @ 40\mod_1421741566809_15.docx @ 313499 @ 3 @ 1
Setpoint settings - Setpoint temperature for heating and cooling comfort (°C)
Setting option between 10 - 40
Specifies the comfort temperature for heating and cooling when people are present.
This parameter is only available when the "Control function" parameter is set on
"Heating and cooling" or "heating and cooling with additional stages".
Pos: 31.7.88 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Applikation/Objekt-RTR/Module/Sollwerteinstellungen — Solltemperatur Komfort Heizen (°C) @ 40\mod_1421741628522_15.docx @ 313514 @ 3 @ 1
Setpoint settings - Setpoint temperature for heating comfort (°C)
Setting option between 10 - 40
Specifies the comfort temperature for heating when people are present.
This parameter is only available when the "Control function" parameter is set on
"Heating" or "Heating with additional stage".
Pos: 31.7.89 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Applikation/Objekt-RTR/Module/Sollwerteinstellungen — Absenkung Standby Heizen (°C) @ 40\mod_1421741705524_15.docx @ 313529 @ 3 @ 1
Setpoint settings - Reduction for standby heating (°C)
Setting option between 10 - 40
Specifies the temperature in heating mode when nobody is present. On devices with a display,
this mode is indicated by the standby icon.
This parameter is only available when the "Control function" parameter is set on
"Heating", "Heating with additional stage", "Heating and cooling" or "Heating and
cooling with additional stages".
Pos: 31.7.90 /System+++++++++++++ Seitenu++++++++++++++ @ 41\mod_1422789416992_0.docx @ 333487 @ @ 1