KNX Technical Reference Manual
-KNX Millenium
Description of applications /
KNX Technical Reference Manual | 1473-1-8681
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Pos: 31.7.39 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Applikation/Objekt-RTR/ModuleZusatzstufe Heizen — Zyklisches Senden der Stellgröße (min) @ 40\mod_1421681495047_15.docx @ 312858 @ 3 @ 1
Additional heating stage - Cyclic sending of the control value (min)
Setting option between 1 - 60 minutes
The current control value used by the device can be cyclically transmitted to the bus.
This parameter is only available when the "Control value type" parameter is set
either on "2-point 1 Bit, Off/On", "2-point 1 Byte, 0/100%", "PI continuous, 0-
100%" or "Fan coil".
Additional heating stage - Maximum control value (0 - 255)
Setting option between 0 - 255
The maximum control value of the PI controller defines the maximum value outputted by the
controller. If a maximum value under 255 is chosen, the value will not be exceeded, even if the
controller calculates a higher control value.
This parameter is only available when "Control value type" parameter is set either
on "PI continuous, 0 – 100%", "PI PWM, On/Off“ or "Fan coil".
Pos: 31.7.40 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Applikation/Objekt-RTR/ModuleZusatzstufe Heizen — Grundlast min. Stellgröße (0..255) @ 40\mod_1421681560021_15.docx @ 312873 @ 3 @ 1
Additional heating stage - Minimum control value for basic load (0 - 255)
Setting option between 0 - 255
The minimum control value of the PI controller defines the minimum value output by the
controller. If a minimum value greater than zero is chosen, the controller will not output a lower
value, even if it calculates a value that is lower. This parameter can be used to set a basic load,
e.g. for operating floor heating. Even if the controller calculates the control value zero, a heating
medium will flow through the floor heating system to prevent the floor from cooling down. Under
"Settings of basic load", it is also possible to define whether this basic load will be permanently
active or whether it will be switched by the "Basic load" object.
This parameter is only available when "Control value type" parameter is set either
on "PI continuous, 0 – 100%", "PI PWM, On/Off“ or "Fan coil".
Pos: 31.7.41 /System+++++++++++++ Seitenu++++++++++++++ @ 41\mod_1422789416992_0.docx @ 333487 @ @ 1