KNX Technical Reference Manual
-KNX Millenium
Description of applications /
KNX Technical Reference Manual | 1473-1-8681
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Pos: 31.41 /Layout bis 2014-11-11/Online-Dokumentation (+KNX)/Überschriften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/3. Ebene/G - L/Lichtszenenaktor @ 41\mod_1422541301858_15.docx @ 331671 @ 2 @ 1
Light scene actuator
Pos: 31.42 /Layout bis 2014-11-11/Online-Hilfe/Power-Tool/Power-Tool 2/chm-Online-Hilfe/App/Lichtszenenaktor/App. - Lichtszenenaktor - DIN-A4 @ 9\mod_1269509871874_15.docx @ 53118 @ @ 1
With the "Light scene actuator" application, it is possible to call up scenes that are stored in the device via the
receipt of a scene number on the 1-byte communication object "Scene call-up". A maximum of eight scenes with
up to eight actuator objects can be created.
For triggering different actuators, the size of the actuator groups communication objects can be set under the
"Actuator group type" parameter.
The user has the option of saving the scenes himself. A corresponding save telegram must be received for this
(see the description of the individual parameters).
Light scene actuator objects
Object name
Data type
Light scene call-up (1 Byte)
1 Byte / DPT18.001
C, W, U
Actuator group A [B…J] (1-bit switching)
1 Bit EIS1 / DPT 1.001
C, W, T, U
Actuator group A [B…J] (1-bit Venetian blind)
1 Bit EIS7 / DPT 1.008
C, W, T, U
Actuator group A [B…J] (1 Byte 0..100 %)
1 Byte EIS6 / DPT 5.001
C, W, T, U
Actuator group A [B…J] (1-byte light scene number)
1 Byte / DPT 18.001
C, W, T, U
Actuator group A [B…J] (Temperature value absolute)
2 Byte EIS5 / DPT 9.001
C, W, T, U
Enable scene 1 [Scene 2 … Scene 10]
1 Bit EIS1 / DPT 1.001
C, W, T
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