For more information, see the drive firmware manual,
FSO-21 safety functions module user’s
(3AXD50000015614 [English]) and
FSE-31 pulse encoder interface module user’s
(3AXD50000016597 [English]).
Safety encoder
Internal faults of the safety encoder and the FSE-31 module will cause the FSO module to
go into Fail-safe mode.
The STATUS/FAULT LED of the FSO module is red and the ENC STATUS LED of the
FSE-31 module is off until the fault has been repaired. Also the drive indicates a safety
encoder fault.
To exit the Fail-safe mode, remove the cause of the fault and reset the FSO module by
switching the power off and on, by pressing the Boot FSO button on the Safety view of Drive
composer pro or with drive parameter 96.09 FSO reboot.
The safety encoder goes into Safe state. To exit Safe state, remove the cause of the fault
and reboot the safety encoder (for example, by switching the power off and on).
For more information, see the drive firmware manual,
FSO-21 safety functions module user’s
(3AXD50000015614 [English]) and
FSE-31 pulse encoder interface module user’s
(3AXD50000016597 [English]).
STO function in the drive
The STO function in the drive has internal fault diagnostics and a fault reaction function
which causes a fault trip in case it detects a redundancy fault of STO control signals or any
internal failure. See the hardware and firmware manuals of the drive.
Parameter settings
This section lists the parameters that you have to set in the FSO module and the drive.
The person who configures the safety functions in the FSO module must be a competent
person as required by IEC 61508-1 clause 6. In this context, the person must have expertise
and knowledge of functional safety, the safety functions as well as the configuration of the
FSO module. We recommend our training courses on the FSO module.
The default parameter values below represent example values for the safety functions
presented in this manual. Actual parameter values of the delivery may vary. You must always
check that the parameter settings match your application needs.
FSO module parameter settings
You need the Drive composer pro PC tool to set the FSO module parameters, and a
password to be able to download the configuration to the FSO module from Drive composer
pro. For the default password of the FSO module, see the FSO module user’s manual. For
more information on the Drive composer pro PC tool, see
Start-up and maintenance PC
tool Drive composer user’s manual
(3AUA0000094606 [English]).
32 Option description