Product Guide
Product version: 1.0
7. Disturbance recorder
The device is provided with a disturbance recorder fuaturing up
to 160 analog channels and 512 binary channels. The analog
channels can be set to record either the waveform or the trend of
the currents and voltages measured.
The binary signal channels can be set to start a recording either
on the rising or the falling edge of the binary signal or on both.
By default, the binary channels are set to record external or inter-
nal device signals, for example, the start or trip signals of the de-
vice stages, or external blocking or control signals. Binary device
signals, such as protection start and trip signals, or an external
device control signal via a binary input, can be set to trigger the
recording. Recorded information is stored in a non-volatile memo-
ry and can be uploaded for subsequent fault analysis.
8. Event log
To collect sequence-of-events information, the device has a
nonvolatile memory capable of storing 8192 events with the
associated time stamps. The non-volatile memory retains its
data even if the device temporarily loses its auxiliary supply. The
event log facilitates detailed pre- and post-fault analyses of feeder
faults and disturbances. The considerable capacity to process
and store data and events in the device facilitates meeting the
growing information demand of future network configurations. The
sequence-of-events information can be accessed remotely via the
communication interface of the device. The information can also
be accessed locally or remotely using the Web HMI.
Figure 2. Recording and event capabilities overview
9. Recorded data
The device has the capacity to store the records of the 128 latest
fault events. The records can be used to analyze the power sys-
tem events. Each record includes, for example, current, voltage
and angle values and a time stamp. The fault recording can be
triggered by the start or the trip signal of a protection block, or by
both. The available measurement modes include DFT, RMS and
peak-to-peak. Fault records store device measurement values at
the moment when any protection function starts. In addition, the
maximum demand current with time stamp is separately recorded.
The records are stored in the non-volatile memory.