Product Guide
Product version: 1.0
22. WHMI
The WHMI allows secure access to the device via a Web brows-
er. When the Secure Communication parameter in the device is
activated, the Web server is forced to take a secured ( HTTPS)
connection to WHMI using TLS encryption. The Web HMI is veri-
fied with Internet Explorer 11, Firefox and Google Chrome.
WHMI offers several functions.
• Programmable virtual LEDs and event lists
• System supervision
• Parameter settings
• Measurement display
• Disturbance records
• Fault records
• Load profile record
• Phasor diagram
• Single line diagram
• Importing/Exporting parameters
• Report summary
The WHMI can be accessed locally and remotely.
• Locally by connecting the laptop to the device via the local
WHMI port.
• Remotely over LAN/ WAN.
WHMI display offer front-panel user interface functionality with
menu navigation and menu views. In addition, WHMI includes a
user-configurable single line diagram (SLD) with position indication
for the associated primary equipment. The device displays the re-
lated measuring values, apart from the default single line diagram.
The default SLD can be modified according to user requirements
by using the Graphical Display Editor in PCM600.
23. Selection and ordering data
ABB Library
to access the selection and ordering information
and to generate the order number.
Product Selection Tool
(PST), a Next-Generation Order Number
Tool, supports order code creation for ABB Distribution Automa-
tion IEC products with emphasis on but not exclusively for the
Relion product family. PST is an easy to use, online tool always
containing the latest product information. The complete order
code can be created with detailed specification and the result can
be printed and mailed. Registration is required.