Building Automation |
Commissioning 15
Building Automation
Time - Stairlights
"Time function" parameter
This parameter defines the type of output time function.
Stairlight function
- Delay ON/OFF
- Flashing
"Stairlight function" selection
The stairlight function is activated via the switch on the “Switching” communication object telegram of X output.
The communication object value can be programmed. The stairlight time starts as soon as the lights are turned on.
They are immediately turned off when the stairlight time has elapsed, unless a pre-warning time has been set. If
pre-warning time and stairlight time are different from "0", the stairlight time is extended with the pre-warning time.
Note: “Active” means that a “normally open” contact is closed or a “normally closed” contact is opened.
Note: The stairlight function can be recalled from the "Switching" object, "Logic gate x" or from a bright scene call.
Note: The stairlight function can be disabled by a telegram on the "Block time function" object. This function can
be programmed in the "X: function" parameter window with a time function activated after a bus voltage failure.
"Stairlight time" parameter Minutes (0...1.000), Seconds (0...59)”
The operation time defines for how long the stairlights stay on after an ON command. Two parameters are available
for entering the time in minutes and seconds: