+33 4 7642 9550
User manual for Cantar-X1 & X2 v2.15 2008 March 28
Consequently if during the course of his work the editor decides
to import the T1 to T6 original tracks, the composer will kill the
mixdown tracks he has been using from day one! Thanks to
’, the original mixdown iso tracks T7 & T8 (moved
to T1 & T2) will replace the 16-bit poly mixdown with the 24-bit
originals, while the original iso tracks T1–T6 (pushed to T3-–T8)
will gracefully fall into place while not destroying anything.
05 T7 T8 Trtmt
mixdown treatment
Mono Native Poly Native Poly16Trunc Poly16Dith
Only applicable if T7 T8 appears in BACKUP.03
‘TrackSelect’. This treatment can perform the reduction
from 24-bit to 16-bit, and the conversion of the T7 T8
monofiles into a polyphonic file.
Mono Native
(16&24) - changes nothing relative to the
original 16-bit or 24-bit files.
Poly Native
(16&24) - interleaves T7 T8 at native bit-depth.
Poly16 Trunc
- interleaves T7 T8, truncates 24-bit to 16-bit.
Poly16 Dith
- interleaves T7 T8, and dithers 24-bit to 16-bit.
Note1 :
dithering offers a slightly
better quality than plain trun-
cation but the process requires
twice as much time.
Note2 :
treatments automatically convert 96kHz to 48kHz.
Note3 :
(04 and 05)
associated with a
selection are retained from one recording session to the next ;
they are lost as soon as the
menu bottom row is opened.
06 Media Type
It can take more than twenty seconds for a DVD or DVD-
RAM media to be checked before its ‘one-platter’ icon
appears in the right circular screen, be patient.
Files can be copied on both FAT32 and UDF1.5 formatted
DVD-RAM; For MAC/PC compatibility, see SESSION.04
‘Disk Format’ (p.36), and ‘Tutorial: disks’ (p.42).
07 Burn Mode
Burn Only Burn+Check
(Check Only)
Checking a DVD takes just as much time as burning it.
08 FilesToCopy
Unarchived All
The default is ‘All’. Select ‘Unarchived’ before starting a
CD/DVD mid-day copy, this causes the software to look at
the ‘Archived’ flag on the files. Previously copied/archived
files flagged as such will not be copied again. ‘All’ is used
to make a second batch of DVDs carrying all files, previ-
ously saved or not.
09 File Name
FiletagOnly With Sc/Tk
FileTag only:
With Sc/Tk:
BA1234==123A 12R w14==_1.wav
this brings the scene and take to the editor’s desktop.
• Backuping on CD/DVD, select ‘With Sc/Tk’ since long
filenames are supported by ISO and UDF1.5 formats.
• Backuping on an external HDD, the filenames are forced
to ‘FiletagOnly’ since long filenames are not supported by
the basic FAT32 disk format.
Majax (Win-XP or Mac OS-X) extracts the Sc/Tk from the
metadata contained in the iXML and can add them to the
files en route to the postchain on FAT32 formatted HDDs.
10 Media Label
CD 1 of 2
The number of disks needed for the backup is displayed.
Press [ok], select the one to burn. [shift] [eye] displays the
Media Label created for the disk. CD_MXD_2/5 means:
CD-R – Mixdown (Xa . Xb) – Disk #2 in a 5 disk group. The
remaining data volume to be burned is displayed.
The large file case
The length of a take can make it impossible to copy it entirely
onto one CD. For instance if a 200MB long file comes in with
its five brothers (a six track take), a 1.2GB CD is required. In
this case, Cantar separates the take into its individual tracks
while minimizing the number of CDs (or DVDs). The label
becomes CD_2_D072, where [CD] is the media; [_2] the
track #; and [D072] the last four characters of the filename.
Example of a CD/DVD label
An ISO volume label is limited to 31 characters
Cantar# Project Date Archiv Tag type 1 or 2
The archive flag (*) is either a (sp) space or a (#) to show
if only not yet archived files have been burned; a way to
know why some files, probably burned on another media,
T7T8 Trtmt
Poly16 Dith