All parts of the s-max sel la - ex cept the sa fe ty bra kes and the knur led bra ke
drums (see chap ter 4.3) can be clea ned with a moist cloth; plea se use re gu -
lar mild hou se hold clea ners.
For sa fe ty rea sons, plea se do not use a high-pres su re clea ning de vi -
Plea se use re gu lar mild hou se hold clea ners and make sure that no
wa ter can get into the the s-max sel la
The s-max sel la and its bat te ry pack are pro ducts of long du ra bi li ty. Ho we -
ver, if your s-max sel la is old and has rea ched the end of its li fe span you may
re turn its com po nents to AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH or your aut ho ri -
zed dea ler to be re cy cled.
A new law con cer ning elec tric and elec tro nic de vi ces (Elek troG) has been
pas sed on March 24, 2005 re gu la ting the ta king back and re cy cling of old
elec tric and elec tro nic de vi ces.
Ac cor ding to the Fe de ral Office of En vi ron ment Pro tec ti on (Ger man BDU)
the s-max sel la is con si de red a me ans of trans por ta ti on and does not fall un -
der this law con cer ning the re cy cling of old elec tric or elec tro nic de vi ces
(Elek troG, §2 pa ra graph 1 sen ten ce 1 (cross re fer en ce, Gui de li ne of the Eu -
ro pe an Par lia ment 2002/96/EG).
sel la
· 160 kg
Содержание s-max sella
Страница 1: ...Translation of the original user s manual Stair climbing system s max sella 160kg GB...
Страница 9: ...2 4 Dimensioned sketch 9 s max sella 160 kg...
Страница 42: ...Notes 42 s max sella 160 kg...
Страница 43: ...Notes 43 s max sella 160 kg...