8.3.1 Sealed lead acid batteries
The re are two sea led lead acid bat te ries 12 V / 3,3 Ah in the bat te ry pack of
the s-max sel la. The se bat te ries are sea led, main ten an ce free, re char ge ab le
and of top qua li ty.
The bat te ries of your s-max sel la can be disch ar ged or re char ged in any pos -
si ble po si ti on. They are con si de red as safe as dry cells and ad mit ted for air
tra vel ac cor ding to DOT and IATA.
The du ra bi li ty of sea led lead acid bat te ries de pends pri ma ri ly on the char -
ge/disch ar ge cy cle. For ins tan ce, you may disch ar ge them parti al ly more
than 1000 ti mes and use up the en ti re ca pa ci ty more than 200 ti mes, if you
avoid a to tal disch ar ge entirely.
A to tal disch ar ge does not only lead to a loss of the batteries’ ca pa ci ty, but
also shor tens their du ra bi li ty. Thus, do avoid a to tal disch ar ge, by re char ging
the bat te ries whe ne ver pos si ble!
Char ging your bat te ries is ta king good care of them
Al ways char ge your bat te ry pack with the AAT char ger de li ver ed with
your s-max sel la. This par ti cu lar char ger au to ma ti cal ly turns off
when the bat te ries are ful ly char ged kee ping them from being over -
char ged
If ful ly char ged bat te ries run emp ty fas ter as usu al, then they are pro ba bly
used up. In such case plea se have them che cked and, if nes se sa ry, re pla ced
by AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik or its re pre sen ta ti ve
Da ma ged bat te ries you can turn in at de sig na ted pla ces for pro per re cy cling.
You may also re turn them to your aut ho ri zed AAT re pre sen ta ti ve.
sel la
· 160 kg
Содержание s-max sella
Страница 1: ...Translation of the original user s manual Stair climbing system s max sella 160kg GB...
Страница 9: ...2 4 Dimensioned sketch 9 s max sella 160 kg...
Страница 42: ...Notes 42 s max sella 160 kg...
Страница 43: ...Notes 43 s max sella 160 kg...