Care, maintenance and recycling
To in su re the s-max sel la safe and pro per functio ning we re com mend a sa fe -
ty check done on the de vi ce every two ye ars, even though the re might not be
any ou ter da ma ge or mal functi on evi dent.
In the in te rest of your sa fe ty re pairs of any kind may only be done by
per son nel aut ho ri zed by AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH. We are
hap py to in form you about the con tact ad dress of the dea ler clo sest
to you
The de vi ce it self (as op po sed to the bat te ries) does not need any particu lar
main ten an ce ex cept for an oc ca sio nal clea ning (see chapter 8.7).
New user
If the de vi ce goes to a new user, we re com mend a sa fe ty check.
Plea se ex clu si ve ly use the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH char ger to char -
ge your bat te ry packs
8.2.1 Automatic charger
The char ger does not need any par ti cu lar main ten an ce. The sco pe of de li -
very in clu des the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH char ger. Plug
is in -
ser ted into the wall out let and plug
into the so cket on the de vi ce or the
bat te ry pack.
This au to ma tic char ger re char ges your bat te ries 100%. As soon as the char -
ging pro cess is com ple ted, it swit ches to a re tai ning mode, thus over char -
ging is im pos si ble.
Be fo re using the char ger, plea se read and fol low all in struc tions and
war ning no tes in clu ded with the char ger.
Ex clu si ve ly use the AAT char ger to char ge the batteries.
Check the char ger re gu lar ly and pro tect it from oils, grea se, ag gres -
si ve clea ning agents, thin ners and/or da ma ge by sharp ed ges, etc.
Re pairs and ser vi ce check-ups may only be per for med by AAT Al ber
An triebs tech nik GmbH or their aut ho ri zed per son nel.
Plea se do not dis as sem ble or mo di fy the charger!
Plea se make sure that the char ger is not ex po sed to damp ness or hu -
mi di ty whi le char ging the batteries.
Ne ver touch the plug with moist hands!
sel la
· 160 kg
Содержание s-max sella
Страница 1: ...Translation of the original user s manual Stair climbing system s max sella 160kg GB...
Страница 9: ...2 4 Dimensioned sketch 9 s max sella 160 kg...
Страница 42: ...Notes 42 s max sella 160 kg...
Страница 43: ...Notes 43 s max sella 160 kg...