Also make sure that the s-max sel la is not ope ra ted in clo se pro xi mi -
ty to me di cal de vi ces with a high po ten
ti al for dan ger and/or
life-sup por ting functions as well as di ag nos tic de vi ces
4.1.2 Climate:
To en su re pro per functio ning it is not ad vi sa ble to ex po se
the s-max sella to free zing con di tions. Should this be una voi da ble, al ways
put the de vi ce in a non-free zing en vi ron ment for at least one hour be fo re
using it
The s-max sel la may only be ope ra ted by trai ned per -
son nel. In ad di ti on, the ope ra tor should be ca pa ble of lif ting 1/3 of his or her
own weight. Mi nors are not al lo wed to use the s-max sel la; ex empt from the
abo ve are
ado les cents over 16 ye ars of age who have been trai ned un der su -
per vi si on to ope ra te the s-max sel la. Whi le using the s-max sel la
you should
al ways wear good sho es that do not slip
Safety brakes:
Plea se check the sa fe ty bra kes each time be fo re
using the s-max sel la (see chap ter 6.4 and 8.5). The sa fe ty bra kes, particu -
lar ly the knur led sur fa ce of the bra ke drums
in the wheel rims, must be
clea ned wee kly or af ter con ta mi na ti on with spirit to en su re the op ti mum bra -
king ef fect.
Ne ver smo ke du ring the clea ning of the de vi ce as well as keep it
away from igni ti on sour ce.
Plea se con si der the dan ger war ning of the ma nu fac tu rer pre vi ous
clea ning the de vi ce with spi rit.
Ne ver use suds or grea sy clea ners.
Af ter clea ning the sa fe ty bra kes must be che cked as des cri bed in chap ter
Lining of the climber’s rollers
Plea se check re gu lar ly whet her the
li ning of each rol ler is unda ma ged (see chap ter 5.4 and 8.6).
Lifting capacity:
The ap pro ved to tal weight of 195 kg and the max.
weight of the per son of 160 kg
may not be ex cee ded. (see chap ter 5.1).
You may un der no cir cums tan ces use the s-max sel la to trans port
Care and maintenance:
Plea se make sure that you char ge the bat -
te ry pack af ter each use of the s-max sella.
If the s-max sel la is not in ope ra ti on, plea se turn off the de vi ce.
If the wor king ele ments of the de vi ce block, turn the s-max sel la off im me di -
ate ly.
Re pairs may be done by aut ho ri zed dea lers or the ma nu fac tu rer
only. Plea se ex clu si ve ly use AAT Al ber parts and ac ces sories.
Plea se note the ex ten si ve care and main ten an ce in struc tions in chap ter 8.
Condition of paths, walkways etc:
Plea se make sure that the paths
and walk ways you use with the s-max sel la are free of ob sta cles and not slip -
pe ry. Avoid ope ra ti on on da ma ged stair linings, snow, ice, etc.
The s-max sel la may not be used in wet and rai ny con di tions.
sel la
· 160 kg
Содержание s-max sella
Страница 1: ...Translation of the original user s manual Stair climbing system s max sella 160kg GB...
Страница 9: ...2 4 Dimensioned sketch 9 s max sella 160 kg...
Страница 42: ...Notes 42 s max sella 160 kg...
Страница 43: ...Notes 43 s max sella 160 kg...