ASCII character strings
Enclose arbitrary ASCII code character strings in single quotation marks. Usable character strings are
alphabet, numeric, and symbol. Single quotation marks in the string are shown using two single quotation
Ex.) When outputting character string ABC:
When outputting character string ‘ABC’:
ASCII control code
Enter ASCII control codes with # and two characters in hexadecimal.
Ex.) When outputting <EOT> (04h): #04
Data repetition
Control codes $SP, $CR, and $LF can be repeated for the number of numeric characters used for each
code if and numeric characters (up to two characters) are added after them.
Ex.) When outputting 12 spaces:
$SP 12
When outputting 9 <CR>’s:
$CR 9
Combining mark
When two or more lines of program commands are sent, it is judged that the program command
continues to the next line if “&” (&<CR><LF>) is added to the end of a line.
Ex.) $WT$CR$LF&<CR><LF>
To separate each data, use a space or “,”. Although the separation is also a part of characters to be
stored, it can be omitted to reduce the number of characters. However, “,” for the program command
header cannot be omitted. Make sure to start it with “PF,”.
In the UFC format, a terminator is not automatically sent. Put a terminator code ($CR$LF) at the end of
character data as needed.
Put a terminator code ($CR$LF) immediately before the last terminator <CR><LF> of the program
command. Depending on the printer or data processing software, output may be properly performed with
the data format created.
The scale sends an error code if there is a problem when receiving a program command. It sends
<AK><CR><LF> if there is no problem.