www.a-ts.cn A-TS Technology RT20
0x0300, motor speed, in unit rpm, consistent with dp00.
0x0301, current position (pulse), 16 bits low
0x0302, current position (pulse), 16 bits high
0x0303, position command (pulse), 16 bits low
0x0304, position command (pulse), 16 bits high
0x0305, position deviation (pulse), 16 bits low
0x0306, position deviation (pulse), 16 bits high
0x0307, motor torque, in unit 0.1%, consistent with dp07
0x030B, position command pulse frequency, in unit kHz
0x030C, speed command, in unit rpm, consistent with dp12
0x030F, input terminal DI state, consistent with dp15
0x0310, output terminal DO state, consistent with dp16
0x0313, alarm code
0x0318, bus voltage, in unit V, consistent with dp24
0x031B, absolute position of the rotor (pulse), 16 bits low
0x031C, absolute position of the rotor (pulse), 16 bits high
0x031D, average load rate, in unit %, consistent with dp29
0x031E, multi-lap position, consistent with dp30
0x031F, absolute position (pulse) of the rotor, converted by the feedback
electronic gear ratio (PA78), 16 bits low
0x0320, absolute position (pulse) of the rotor, converted by the feedback
electronic gear ratio (PA78), 16 bits high