The front panel of ANI-MOD88 is shown as below:
The front panel can be divided into the following sections:
1) Indicators:
• Power LED to indicate that the system is on.
• IR reception port for use with remote control.
2) System monitor: shows system switching and status information.
3) Input and output selection buttons: for selecting inputs and outputs for your unit. All switches are backlit in green.
4) Command button menu: for controlling functions of your unit. All switches are backlit in green.
Button Description of ANI-MOD88
Function Description
“1” to “8”
Input buttons. These buttons are used to select the input channel for the action to be programmed.
“1” to “8”
Output buttons. These buttons are used to select the output channel for the action to be programmed.
AV Synchronal Button:
Used for programming the switcher to transfer video and audio signal synchronously (together).
Press buttons in this order -
“AV”, “3”, “4”
Video Button:
Used for programming the transfer of only video signals from input channel to output channel.
To transfer video signals from input channel No.3 to output channel No.4.
Press buttons in this order -
“VIDEO”, “3”, “4”.
Audio Button:
Used for programming the transfer of only audio signals from input channel to output channel.
To transfer audio signals from input channel No.2 to output channel No.3.
Press buttons in this order -
“AUDIO”, “2”, “3”
All Button:
To transfer a single input channel to all output channels.
Example 1:
To transfer video and audio signals together from input channel No.7 to all output channels.
Press buttons in this order -
“7”, “ALL”
Example 2:
To transfer all input signals to the corresponding output channels respectively. In other words, to have
1->1, 2->2, 3->3, 4->4… 8->8
Press buttons in this order -
Through Button:
Used to transfer signals directly from the input channel to the corresponding output channels
(channel with the same number). It can also be used in conjunction with the “All” button to switch all channels to
their corresponding output channel.
Example 1:
To transfer the signals from input channel No. 3 to the corresponding output channel No. 3
Press buttons in this order -
“3”, “THROUGH”
Example 2:
To transfer all input signals to the corresponding output channels respectively. In other words, to have
1->1, 2->2, 3->3, 4->4… 8->8.
Press buttons in this order -
Undo Button:
To eliminate the last command and return the unit to the status that existed before the last
command was selected
Backspace Button:
To backspace the latest input button; speci
cally used for removing the last character button
in a two digit channel selection input. It does not undo the last command button pressed.