General Notes:
1)The letter inside the bracket [ ] is the variable code, which is changeable.
2) The bracket [ ] is not part of the command.
3) Any dot “.” after the letters is part of the command.
4) The command begins with PTN (Packet Transmission Network) and applies only to the ANI-IN-VGA only; [x] is the channel of the matrix but
not the channel of card. For ANI-MOD88, [x] must be one Byte, and for ANI-MOD1616/ANI-MOD3232/ANI-MOD6464, it must be two bytes.
5) [x1], [x2], [x3] and [x4] are the symbols of input or output channels ranged according to the model of the matrix switcher. If the symbols
exceed the effective range, it would be taken as a wrong command.
6) In above commands, “[”and “]” are symbols for easy reading and do not need to be typed in actual operation.
7) Please remember to end the commands with the ending symbols “.” and “;”.
Notes when using computer source:
The default EDID resolution is 1280 x 1024. When connecting a computer, the matrix attempts to
force the screen resolution to 1280 x 1024. If you use a different computer resolution, you will have to tell the switch HDMI Output to learn the
Input setting.
To solve this problem, you will need to use the EDID management function to copy the EDID of the display to the matrix. The command is sent
via RS-232, using the syntax EDIDM[X]B[Y] where X is the Output channel and Y is the Input channel.
For example; to set the resolution to 1080p;
1. The display is connected to Output 2 of the matrix.
2. The computer is connected to Input 1.
3. In this case, send the command EDIDM2B1. To copy the EDID of the display to Input 1 of the matrix, and the computer will work like it
is directly connect to the display.
If there are more than one computer connected or you need all inputs set to 1080p as the default setting, send the command mapping all
Inputs/Outputs. The settings are stored in nonvolatile RAM and will be retained until the setting is changed.
Detailed Examples:
1. Transfer signals from one input channel to all output channels: [x1]All.
Example: “3All.” to transfer the signal from Input 3 to all output channels.
2. Transfer the signals formal input channels to corresponding output channels respectively: All#.
Example: If this command is carried out, the status of matrix will be: 1->1, 2->2, 3->3, 4->4…… 8->8….
3. Switch off all the output channels: All$.
Example: After running this command, there will be no signals on any of the outputs.
4. Switch off the detail feedback command from the COM port: /:MessageOff;
Explanation: It will leave “switch OK” as the feedback, when you switch the matrix.
5. Switch on the detail feedback command from the COM port: /:MessageOn;
Explanation: It will show the detail switch information when it switch. Example: when switch 1->2, it will feedback “AV01 to 02”.
6. Transfer signals from an input channel to corresponding output channel: [x]#.
Example: “5#.” to transfer signals from the number 5 input to the number 5 output.
7. Switch off an output channel: [x]$.
Example: “5$.” to switch off output channel number 5.
8. Switch signal: [x1] B[x2].
Example: “12B12, 13, 15.” to transfer signal from Input channel 12 to Output channels 12,13,15.
9. Inquire what input channel is providing video signal to the output channel [x]: Status[x].
Example: “Status23.” to inquire what input channel is providing video signal to output23.
10. Inquire what input channels are providing video signal to the output channels one by one: Status.
Example: “Status. ”Provides an output of each channel (1x3, 2x2, 3x8), showing the output channel
rst, then the input channel
associated with it.
11. Save the present operation to the preset command [Y]: Save[Y].
Example: “Save7.” to save the present operation to the preset command No. 7.
12. Recall the preset command [Y]: Recall[Y].
Example: “Recall5.” to recall preset command No. 5.
13. Clear the preset command [Y]: Clear[Y].
Example: “Clear5.” to clear preset command No. 5.
14. EDID management command: EDIDM[X]B[Y].
Example: “EDIDM5B3.” to copy the EDID data of the display on output 5 to input 3.
15. Command for ANI-IN-VGA: PTNI[X]*****.
Example: “PTNI070623%.” to set the input 7 to support YPbPr signal, the card is plugged in the second input slot of the matrix.