206 | Managing the Radio
Aprisa SRx User Manual 1.3.0
Monitoring > Address Tables
ARP Table
This page displays the current Address Resolution Protocols (ARP) on the radio. The radio implemented
ARP protocol is used for resolution of network layer addresses into link layer addresses. It is used to map a
IPv4 address to an Ethernet MAC address. The ARP table shows the results of the ARP protocol linkage
between IPv4 address and Ethernet MAC address of the devices attached to the radio.
In a layer 2 bridge LAN, an upper layer protocol may include the IP address of the destination, but since it
is an Ethernet LAN network, it also needs to know the destination MAC address. First, the radio uses a
cached ARP table to look up the IPv4 destination address for the matching MAC address records. If the
MAC address is found, it sends the IPv4 packet encapsulated in Ethernet frame with the found MAC
address. If the ARP cache table did not produce a result for the destination IPv4 address, the radio sends a
broadcast ARP message requesting an answer (of MAC address that matches) for IP address. The
destination device responds with its MAC address (and IP). The response information is cached in radios’
ARP table and the message can now be sent with the appropriate destination MAC address.
IP Address
The IPv4 address of a neighboring device in the radio LAN network
MAC Address
The ARP result matching or mapping MAC address from the IPv4 address.
The Ethernet port interface the ARP results found the matching/mapping
‘Dynamic’ indicates an ARP result and ‘Static’ indicates a user static
The Next button will display the next page of 8 addresses and the Prev button will display the previous
page of 8 addresses.
If the Auto Refresh option is ticked, the ARP table will refresh every 12 seconds.