Managing the Radio | 149
Aprisa SRx User Manual 1.3.0
When the security profile has been distributed to all the remote stations, the security profile is then
activated in all the remote stations with this command.
The base station will always attempt to distribute the profile successfully. This broadcast distribution has
its own retry mechanism. The user can find out if all the remote radios have the latest profile when the
managed activation process is attempted. A pop up confirmation will be shown by SuperVisor with
relevant information and the user can decide to proceed or not. The user can attempt to redistribute
again if needed. If the decision is made to continue, on completion of the activation process,
communication with the remote radios that did not have the new security profile will be lost.
Predefined Profile Name
This parameter displays the predefined security profile available for activation on all remote stations.
To activate the security profile in remote stations:
This process assumes that a security profile has been setup into the base station (see ‘Security > Setup’ on
page 135) and distributed to all remote radios in the network.
Do not navigate SuperVisor away from this page during the activation process (SuperVisor can lose
PC focus).
1. Click Start Activation
The remote stations will be polled to determine which radios require activation:
Function (X of Y)
Remote Radios Polled for
New Profile
X is the number of radios polled to determine if the radio contains
the new security profile.
Y is the number of remote radios registered with the base station.
Remote Radios Activated X is the number of radios activated.
Y is the number of radios with the new security profile requiring
Remote Radios On New
X is the number of radios activated and on the new security
Y is the number of radios with the new security profile that have
been activated.
When the activation is ready to start:
3. Click on ‘OK’ to start the activation process or Cancel to quit.