Managing the Radio | 151
Aprisa SRx User Manual 1.3.0
Node Registration Retry (sec)
This parameter displays the base station poll time at startup or the remote / repeater station time
between retries until registered.
Base Station Announcement Period (min)
This parameter displays the period between base station polls post startup. The default setting is 1440
minutes (24 hours).
Node Missed Poll Count
This parameter displays the number of times the base station attempts to poll the network at startup or if
a duplicate IP is detected when a remote / repeater station is replaced.
USB Boot Cycle Upgrade
This parameter shows the type of USB Boot Cycle upgrade defined in ‘Software Setup > USB Boot Upgrade’
on page 180.
Packet Response Timeout (ms)
This parameter displays the time Test Mode waits for a response from the base station before it times out
and retries.
Transmit Period (sec)
This parameter displays the time between Test Mode requests to the base station.
Response Timeout (ms)
This parameter sets the time Test Mode waits for a response from the base station before it times out and
retries. The default setting is 3000 ms.
RSSI Enter Button Timeout (sec)
This parameter displays the Test Mode timeout period. The radio will automatically exit Test Mode after
the Timeout period.
Transmitter Timeout (sec)
This parameter displays the transmitter Test Mode timeout period. The radio will automatically exit the
transmitter Test Mode after the Timeout period.