Vxy jerk
Vz jerk
Vmax X
Vmax Y
Vmax Z
V min
Vtrav Min
Amax X
Amax Y
Amax Z
X step/mm
Y step/mm
Z step/mm
Ve-jerk E0
Vmax E0
Amax E0
A-retract E0
Ve-jerk E1
Vmax E1
Amax E1
A-retract E1
Ve-jerk E2
Vmax E2
Amax E2
A-retract E2
WARNING: those page parameters are the most important ones for the correct printer functioning. If you don't know the
parameter meaning DON'T TOUCH IT: you may compromise the printer behavior!
CONTROL: back to previous menu
ACCEL: XY acceleration during print
VXY JERK: speed increase machine can perform without acceleration on XY
VMAX X/Y/Z: max X/Y/Z speed
VMIN: minimum printing speed XY
VTRAV MIN: minimum travel speed XY
AMAX X/Y/Z: max acceleration X/Y/Z
A-TRAVEL: travel acceleration XY
X/Y/Z step/mm: how many stepper pulses are needed for each mm travel
VE-JERK E0/E1/E2/E3: speed increase machine can perform without acceleration on selected extruder
VMAX E0/E/E2/E3: max extruder speed
AMAX E0/E/E2/E3: max extruder acceleration when printing
A-RETRACT E0/E/E2/E3: max extruder acceleration when retracting
E0/E1/E2/E3 STEPS/MM: how many stepper pulses are needed to feed one mm filament