Printer use
Loading filament
Printer need filament: usually you can buy it wound up
on plastic spools and loading it on printers takes really
few steps.
We take the chance to remind you that to get best
results you should always stock filaments in a dry place
(soaked filament makes for steam during printing
process, degrading the quality), away from direct
sunlight and heat sources (that speed up polymer
Remove spool from packaging and fit it on spool holder.
Secure the spool, applying some friction to avoid the
spool to unwind out of control (tangling).
To prepare the filament to be used, just two simple steps
are required:
1. Make a cone-like tip to the filament end, using
a pencil sharpener or a scissor, to improve
insertion process
2. Usually, filaments retain the spool curvature,
therefore straightening the filament's end (by
hand) will ease the insertion in feeding device.
Fig. 22: Rear printer side
Fig. 23: Secure spool
Fig. 24: Pencil sharpener