LCD printer panel
The fastest and easiest way to deal with your printer, enabling you to change several key parameter.
Here follows a detailed description of each option: be sure to FULLY UNDERSTAND what you are going to do, since you
can radically change the way the printer behaves.
Info screen
T196/195° T216/215°
H69/70° Z000.20
FR100% SD---- Q00:13
T196/195° : Current (196°C) and set (195°C) extruder 1 temperature
T216/215° : Current (216°C) and set (215°C) extruder 2 temperature
H69/70° : Current (69°C) and set (70°C) heated bed temperature
Z0.20 Current distance between printing plate and nozzle tip
FR100% Feedrate, as a percentage of the programmed speed. CAUTION: the feedrate can be changed anytime
when the above screen is shown, just turning the front panel jogwheel
SD---- During printing from SD card tells the percentage of the printin process performed so far (1..100%)
Q00:13 Print time elapsed
Printing..: status line, here are shown process messages and errors
Pushing on the jogwheel button, you will gain access to the main menu.
Info screen
Prepare (Tune)
SD Card Menu (No SD card)
Change SD Card (Init SD card)
Info screen: go to the default screen
Prepare: got to Prepare menu (when printing, this option becomes Tune)
Control: change printer parameters
SD card menu: to use files stored on SD card. If no SD card is available (or system hasn't been refreshed) “No SD
card” message is displayed
Change SD card: re-reads the SD card, refreshing the file list. If no card was inserted at machine start, “Iniz SD
card” will be displayed here