EC declaration of conformity
For the following products:
A4v2 (3d printer)
A4v3 (3d printer)
A2v2 (3d printer)
A00 (3d printer)
QT (3d printer)
F1 (filtering unit)
Manufactured by
Jdeal-Form srl
Via Montegiudeo 9
28047 Oleggio (No)
++39 0321 91528
We hereby declare on our sole responsibility that the products above are in compliance
with the essential requirements of directive EN 60335-1:2012-01 (safety of household and
similar electrical appliances), 2006/42/EC (machinery directive), 2006/95/EC (low voltage
directive) and 2004/108/EC (electromagnetic compatibility).
This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio
interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Oleggio, 22/04/2015
Davide Ardizzoia / product manager 3d printers