Before committing to lifting printer from the shipment pallet, be sure to have the means to lift weights over 30 Kg:
A4 printer: two people will suffice to lift it from ground level to the destination desktop
A2 printer: best scenario is using a forklift to bring the printer at pedestal lever (approx 70cm) then three-
four people can lift the printer and position it at the destination placement
IMPORTANT: printers have several mechanical parts below lower plate, therefore DON'T LIFT the printer
alone with forklift or manual lift trucks
Before connecting AC power, you must mount the supplied devices – procedure is the same for both printer
The spool holders need to be bolted on using the supplied 6mm hex key:
Before mounting it on the printer, each filament feeder needs
to be fitted with its PTFE piping.
Screw the pipe on the filament feeder as from fig. 4, taking
care that:
pipe wont protrude inside feeder, therefore touching
the feeding roller
piping won't be overtightened, stressing (and
possibly chocking) the PTFE pipe
Fig. 4: Mounting PTFE piping on filament feeder