Planned maintenance
Here is a list of checks you can commit to every 6-12 months to keep you machine in healthy state.
Heat exchanger and liquid reservoir
The upper left part of the printer contains the liquid cooling system.
Dusty environment may decrease the performances of the heat exchanger (aka: radiator): to avoid problems we
recommend to vacuum the air inlets (a household vacuum cleaner will do just fine) just from outside, without the need to
remove any machine cover.
The liquid reservoir should be filled up to 4-5mm from the top. To check the level, you must remove the upper left part
cover: be sure to remove the AC cable before attempting cover removal.
If needed, you can refill with a mix of radiator liquid and water (20-25% mix): be sure to tighten lid when done.
All machine parts don't need any special care about lubrication, but some cleaning may improve the machine lifespan.
Using a lint-free towel (not leaving any trace, like the ones used in good auto body paint shops) clean X,Y and Z rails.
After cleaning, apply some oil drops on rails and Z screws, removing excess lubricant (always using lint free towel).