#3 – Part is contaminated by support material / Color separation is not sharp
Extrusion temp is too high
When an extruder is deselected, the higher temperature makes for liquid polymer state (aka: oozing) than flows
out of nozzle due to gravity. Decrease printing and/or preheating temperature
Print speed is too high
Residual nozzle pressure isn't neutralized with retraction. Slow down printing speed
No nozzle priming strategy enabled
Use one of the possible solution (prime pillar, wall, …) that let you keep a cleaner part
Bad Z nozzle leveling
Be sure to correctly perform the calibration of Z nozzle alignment
Bad XY nozzle alignment
Be sure to correctly perform the XY nozzle alignment
#4 – Part is bigger / smaller than expected
Polymer has higher than expected shrinkage ratio
Increase you part size or change polymer
Lower printing temperature (if possible)
Use part ventilation
Use heated chamber
#5 – Print is not completed
There is a vertical gap between part and nozzles
Nozzle jam: see point #1 of this list
Part is at nozzle level
(if printing as PC peripheral) Problem with Usb connection (cable near electrical noise sources such as motors,
power transformers,...): change cable routing or buy a shielded one
(if printing as PC peripheral) : system rebooted (i.e. OS or antivirus update) or wrong power saving settings
AC power interruption: use an UPS suited for the printer power rating
#6 – During homing, axis * doesn't stop and collides
Problem with homing sensor (endstop) cabling
Be sure that endstops are not engaged. Send the M119 command: printer will answer with endstop status.
Now push on each sensor, while sending the M119 command: the sensor status must correctly tell the status
(ENGAGED). If not true, check sensor cabling and connectors (Y sensor has also a connector on the printhead)
on the motherboard.
Damaged endstop
If previous step doesn't give any result, the endstop may be faulty giving erratic output: replace it.
Firmware problem
If you just upgraded firmware, you may have loaded the wrong version for your printer. Get in touch with tech
Damaged motherboard
Motherboard may have a defective part (i.e.: cold solder joint). Need to be replaced.