We recommend to set printer defaults as from above figure.
You may want to un-check the following options:
Send ETA to printer: this option is sending to the printer the time remaining printing time. It's a useful
option, but makes for a slight flickering of the LCD display (when printer updates the time left) that
can be disliked by some people. You can surely disable this option without regrets, if you want.
Disable Extruder after Job/Kill: we recommend to leave ON this option. Otherwise, should your print
process finish Friday night and you leave you printer ON for the weekend, you may be getting extruder
jam, requiring a nozzles change on Monday (some polymers like PLA or PVA may seriously degrade in
few hours time).
Disable heated bed after job/kill: if you disable this option, your heated bed will be constantly ON,
shortening therefore the time between different prints. Be careful, as this option will increase your
chances of burning your fingers, along with higher electricity bills. Keeping a pair of kitchen gloves
nearby will help.
Fig. 19: Printer parameters