Dropping Conference Recipients
Once a conference has been established, the conference originator can either drop the
last party added to the conference or drop the entire conference that the originator
initiated. In the example above, if P1 the originator of conference 1 drops All, only P1,
P2, P4, P5 and P6 are dropped. P3 is not dropped because it is the originator of
conference 2 and remains connected to conference 2.
To drop conference recipients, follow these steps:
1 While on a conference, the conference originator presses the soft button. The option
menu displays in the Display Panel. Select
Conference Drop
, and the Conference
Drop window displays in the Display Panel
2 Scroll to the drop action you want to take, select either
, and the party
or the conference
is dropped.
Alternately, you can drop recipients from a conference using the following feature codes:
To drop the last party in a conference, select
To drop all parties in a conference, select
If the originator drops the last party in a 3-party conference, the call then becomes a
2-party non-conference call.
Camping on a Busy Extension
The Camp On feature allows you make a call to a busy or an unanswered internal
telephone, and then be automatically called back when the destination telephone
becomes available. When you activate camp on, the system monitors the called
telephone. When the extension can receive a call, the system automatically dials your
telephone (using a priority ring or other audible ring tone that is different than your
programmed ring tone) and redials the original called extension.