2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
3.1 LiftIP Programming
Before You Start Programming
Make sure that your phone supports tone dialling (some key phones and PBXs
may have problems). By default,
receives DTMF via RFC-2833 or in-
2N LiftIP
band detector (set in-band in parameter 1108 via the Service Tool only).
Complete all the values to be modified into a pre-prepared form, which provides
a clear table of basic functions.
If your
is not brand new, make sure that you have the correct service
2N LiftIP
password and, if you are not completely sure of your
2N LiftIP
execute full initialisation (Warning: The service password will also be initialised!).
There are two ways how to program
: remotely via a phone (using the
2N LiftIP
phone number) or via the Service Tool (using the IP address).
Access to Programming Mode
You can only enter the programming mode during an incoming call (to the LiftIP
Enter the programming mode via the voice menu (press 9 for administration; press 1
to enter the programming menu).
You will be asked to enter the service password in the following format:
(remember to enter an asterisk behind the password).
If the password is correct, LiftIP announces: “
You have entered the programming
mode, dial the service or parameter number.
The default password is 12345 and you are recommended to change the password to
protect your device against unauthorised persons.
The default password is 12345 and you are recommended to change the
password to protect your device against unauthorised persons.
While entering the password, keep a timeout of 60 seconds (or any
other value between 10 and 120) for each character to avoid
Programming Procedure