Figure7-12
Local
Settings
Interface
Table7-2
Parameter
Description
and
Configuration
Area
Parameter
Description
Intelligent
Mark
Untriggered
Target
The
options
are
as
follows:
Disable
Enable
When
this
function
is
enabled,
the
terminal
will
track
and
mark
targets.
If
the
face
detection
function
is
enabled,
the
device
will
track
and
mark
faces.
Video
Processing
Mode
The
options
are
as
follows:
Real
‐
Time
Priority:
Recommended
if
the
network
is
in
good
condition.
Fluency
Priority:
Recommended
if
you
want
short
time
lag
for
live
video.
Ultra
‐
low
Latency:
Recommended
if
you
want
the
minimum
time
lag
for
live
video.
When
the
network
is
in
good
condition,
Real
Time
Priority
is
recommended.
If
delay
exists
on
the
network,
Fluency
Priority
is
recommended.
If
it
is
required
that
the
live
view
delay
should
be
lower
than
the
real
time
priority,
Ultra
‐
low
Latency
is
recommended.
Protocol
Set
the
protocol
used
to
transmit
media
streams
to
be
decoded
by
the
The
options
are
as
follows:
Audio
Encoding
Format
Audio
encoding
format
on
the
client.
The
options
are
as
follows:
G.711
‐
Recording
and
Snapshot
Recording
Type
of
local
recording
subsection.
The
options
are
as
follows:
Subsection
by
Time:
Duration
of
recorded
video
for
each
recording
file
on
the
computer.
For
example,
minutes.
Subsection
by
Size:
Size
of
each
recording
file
stored
on
the
computer.
For
example,
5M.
Subsection
Time
(min)
This
parameter
is
displayed
only
when
Recording
is
set
to
Subsection
by
Time
.