P. 78
nanobox | tangerine User Manual
Dec 11, 2023
A Slicer is a pad that loads a single sample file that contains a set of markers that define
non-overlapping regions, known as slices.
When you load a WAV file with slice markers into a Pad, the tangerine automatically
changes the pad’s Pad Mode to SLICE and maps the slices to a range of keys starting at C3
(note #36) so you can play the slices as if they were individual samples.
You can choose to always play the same slice for each note played, or you can configure the
pad’s position parameters to change the slice assignment every time a note gets played.
The Slice and SLSeq parameters on the Macro Controls screen, and the PlayThru option on
the Setup screen, are important for Slicer pads.
You can define slices or regions with an audio editing application, or you can load a WAV
file into a tangerine pad, change the Pad Mode to SLICE, and then add the slice markers
from the Waveform screen.