Chapter 5 Technical Specifications and Standard Compliance
Standard No.
Standard Name
RFC 1990 (1996)
PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)
RFC 1994 (1996)
PPP Challenge handshake
authentication protocol (CHAP)
RFC 2138 (1997)
Remote authentication dial in user
service (RADIUS)
RFC 2139 (1997)
RADIUS accounting
RFC 1944 (1996)
Benchmarking methodology for
network interconnect
RFC 2705
Media gateway control protocol
(MGCP) Version 1.0
802.1D 2004
IEEE standard for local and
metropolitan area networks -
Media access control (MAC)
bridges (incorporates IEEE
802.1t-2001 and IEEE 802.1w)
IEEE Std 802.1Q 2005
IEEE standard for local and
metropolitan area networks
- Virtual bridged local area
networks (incorporates IEEE
Std 802.1Q-1998, IEEE Std
802.1u™-2001, IEEE Std
802.1v™-2001, and IEEE
IEEE Std 802.1 ad2005
IEEE standards for local and
metropolitan area networks
- Virtual bridged local area
networks - Revision - Amendment
4: Provider bridges (Amendment
to 802.1Q™-2005)
IEEE 802.2-1998
Information technology -
Telecommunications and
information exchange between
systems - local and metropolitan
area networks - specific
requirements - Part 2: logical link
IEEE 802.1x-2004
IEEE standards for local and
metropolitan area networks: port
based network access control
IEEE 802.3 2005
IEEE standard for information
technology -telecommunications
and information exchange
between systems - local and
metropolitan area networks -
specific requirements Part 3:
carrier sense multiple access with
collision detection (CSMA/CD)
access method and physical layer
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