Installing Modules
For modules mounted in landscape orientation, the first module should be installed
flush with the edge of both Extruded Rails.
For modules mounted in portrait orientation, the module mounting hole should be
located 1” from the cut end of the Extruded Rail.
Make any required adjustments to get the hex bolts lined up with the module mounting
holes before installing the hex nut. Once the module is in place, tighten backing nut to
no more than
(6.25 ft-lb) torque. When installing subsequent modules, refer to
the layout drawing for the correct spacing between modules, this is usually 1/2”.
When all modules have been installed, verify that everything is square and the
modules are equidistant from the center axle. Tighten hardware if necessary.
Use the cable clamps (2) provided to route the copper transfer tube along the
underside of the module mounting rails.
Shock Absorber Installation
The UTRF-072 comes with 4 Shock
These shocks are very stiff. To
extend the shock for mounting, it may
be necessary to bolt the upper end of
the shock to the rack and hang on the
bottom to get it to extend.
Use the Loctite® provided and attach
shock to the Truss Tube and Shock
Mounting Arm as shown in diagram.
Make sure to leave 1/16” space
between bolt head and hex nut to
allow for free movement of urethane
Tighten the hex jam nut (on top) and
the pair of nuts (bottom) to 75 ft-lbs.
This is high-stress connection and should be
checked periodically.
Installation of the Counterweight
The Counterweight assembly bolts to the 1” square
nut welded on the north-end Truss Tube, directly
underneath the bearing.
Making sure the 1” all-thread rod is fully engaged
with the threads of the square nut, turn the Unistrut®
so that the open face is pointing towards the
mounting pole.