Operation and Debugging 20X Bar-tacking and Button Sewing Machine(LCD N)
Enter counter setting interface
Under input mode, when sewing LED is off, press
key to display the mode interface.
key to select “02 counter
key to display counter interface A.
When counter interface A is displayed, counter can be
set under input mode. If the system is under sewing
mode, press
key to turn off the sewing LED.
Under input mode, when sewing LED is off, press
key to display the counter interface.The
counter interface A will be displayed.
Select counter type
and Change counter value
key to shadow the counter type icon B. Press
key to select the proper counter
key to shadow the counter value C. Press
key to input the set value.
Change the present counter value
key to shadow present counter value D. Press
key to clear the present counter
value and press
key to edit the present value.
Counter Type
B01 Sewing Plus Counter
The present value will add 1 after sewing 1 shape.
Present value and set value.
B02 Sewing Minus Counter
The present value will deduce 1 after sewing 1 shape.
When present value reaches 0, minus counter interface will be displayed.
B03 Piece Number Plus Counter
Calculate present value of 1 cyclic sewing by adding number. When present value equals with set value,
counter interface will be displayed.
B04 Piece Number Minus Counter
Calculate present value of 1 cyclic sewing by deducing number. When present value reaches 0, counter
interface will be displayed.
B05 Bobbin Thread Plus Counter