© Copyright 2008 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved.
Indoor Prepackaged System Installation Instructions
This set of instructions is for factory pre pack aged indoor systems only. If your sys tem
is a
eld as sem bled indoor system, use these in struc tions as a guideline. If your system is an out door
system then go to the next section in this manual that covers outdoor systems.
1. Indoor grinder pump systems are for installing at
grade in an indoor application only. If you will be
in stall ing this system outside next to the res i dence
then you will need an outdoor sys tem. DO NOT
2. Review the drawing in Fig. 2 on page 6 and the
actual sys tem to be come familiar with the com po -
nents in the grind er pump sys tem. Review where
the unit will be in stalled. Determine where the
pow er feed, inlet pipe, discharge pipe and vent
will be located.
3. Remove the unit from the packing. Indoor pre-
pack aged systems are preassembled at the Zoeller
Com pa ny and require a minimum of
eld as sem bly
work. All work inside the basin can be per formed
via the inspection port. There should be no reason
to re move the cover from the basin. Pump and
oat switch es are already set inside the basin.
4. Remove the inspection plate from the cover. All
oats are set and tethered for proper op er a tion from
the factory. Verify that where the
oat switch es are
set will work for your application.
Verifying that
oat switches are set prop er ly and will not
hang up inside the ba sin is the re spon si bil i ty
of the in stall ing con trac tor.
Float switches are
tied in place for ship ping purposes. Cut the cable
tie around each
oat switch bulb or the unit will
not op er ate prop er ly.
5. Dig a hole for the basin. The basin should be
lo cat ed in a very low traf
c area within 15’ of the
pow er dis con nect. The hole should be at least 8”
larg er in di am e ter than the basin in order to leave
4” of back
ll all the way around the pe rim e ter.
A min i mum of 4” of compacted subbase is also
re quired. Back
ll and sub base should be 1/8” to
3/4” pea gravel or 1/8” to 1/2” crushed stone.
Also ref er ence the basin installation in struc tions
in clud ed with the unit.
6. The 4” inlet hub should be located between the
top lip of the basin and the alarm
oat “on” level
with a min i mum distance of 10 inches between
oor of the basin and hub. Determine the lo-
cation of the inlet hub based upon your inlet pipe
ar range ment. The inlet hub must be used with
4” pipe. It is best to in stall the inlet on the side of
the basin opposite the
oat switch es. To install,
use a 4” hole saw to drill into the side of the basin
at the cor rect el e va tion. Center the hub inner
di am e ter with the hole in the basin. Attach the
hub to the side of the basin using the sealant and
hard ware pro vid ed.
7. Set the basin in the hole and connect the 4” in let
pipe to the inlet hub using the rubber insert. If
using a cast iron hub, the 4” inlet pipe will need to
be caulked or gasketed to the hub. Back
ll around
the ba sin with spec i
ed me dia. Care should be
taken not to damage com po nents or leave voids
when back
ll ing. Fin ish grade of
oor should be
poured in place around the top 6” of the basin
as sem bly.
8. Connect the discharge pipe, valves and vent ac-
cord ing to all applicable National, State and Lo cal
plumb ing codes.
9. Mount the alarm panel on the wall above the sys-
tem. Connect the alarm
oat switch and pump
power cord.
10. Clean any debris out of the basin. Fill the ba-
sin with water and check the system for proper
op er a tion.
11. Record system start-up data for future
12. Seal and secure the inspection plate to the lid us ing
the proper bolts and sealant. Pouring con crete
around the system can now be com plet ed.