H0360700.D - EN - 2016-02
3.3 I Operati ng
Never run the circulati ng pump (depending on the model) without water. The circulati ng
pump is very quiet when it starts up; you may not hear it running.
• Never run any water through the primary circuit without any water running through the
secondary circuit.
The water must fl ow slowly to avoid water hammer.
: pool water inlet valve (secondary circuit)
: pool water by-pass valve (secondary circuit)
: pool water outlet valve (secondary circuit)
: heati ng water inlet valve (primary circuit)
: heati ng water outlet valve (primary circuit)
Check that the hydraulic correcti ons are correctly ti ghtened and that there are no leaks.
Check that the device is fully stable.
Positi on the valves as follows: valves A, B and C fully open.
Start the fi ltrati on pump.
Carry out a fi rst by-pass setti ng by slightly closing valve 1 (+ 150 to 200g for Uranus 35-70, + 300 to 400g for Uranus
120-240 on the fi lter pressure) so that the nominal secondary water fl ow is more or less respected.
Open valves D and E fully,
Check that the heati ng circuit is fi lled and vented,
Connect the regulati on to the power supply and turn it on,
Adjust the temperature setpoint.
Adjust the by-pass using valve C for correct operati on.
Aft er the start-up steps for your exchanger:
Check that there are no leaks.
Check that the fl uid temperatures and pressures do not exceed the limits indicated on the appliance's maker's
Check that the circulati ng pump stops operati ng when the setpoint temperature is reduced or when the regulati on
is switched off and when the fi ltrati on is stopped or valve A or C is closed.
Check that the exchanger is no longer irrigated with water by the heati ng circuit when the fi ltrati on is stopped and
that there are no pool water heati ng requests.