❼ Care
7.1 I Cleaning the sensors
The sensors must be cleaned every 2 months.
Stop the fi lter pump.
Close all valves.
Remove the sensor and the sensor holder from the POD.
Rinse the sensor in tap water for 1 minute.
Shake it to remove any residual water.
To prevent damage to the acti ve part, do not rub and do not dry with a cloth.
Brush the juncti ons and the metal part (Gold) for the ORP sensor using a toothbrush for 1 minute.
Prepare a soluti on of diluted hydrochloric acid by pouring 1 mL (10 drops) of commercially-available
hydrochloric acid (HCl 37 %) into 50 mL of tap water (1/2 glass of water).
• Hydrochloric acid is a hazardous chemical that may cause burns, lesions and irritati ons.
Handle with care and use protecti ve equipment (gloves, safety glasses, overalls). Refer to the
product's MSDS for more informati on.
• Always pour the acid into the water.
• Once cleaning is complete, dispose of the soluti on according to the standard in force in the
country of use.
Wash the sensor in the diluted hydrochloric acid soluti on for 2 minutes.
Rinse the sensor in clean water under the tap for 1 minute.
Shake it to remove any residual water.
• Then calibrate the sensor, see
“5.3 I Calibrati ng the sensors (if an opti onal “pH Link” or “Dual Link”
module has been installed)”
Repositi on the sensor holder and the sensor on the POD kit.