3.4 I Installing the sensors on the POD kit
Screw the one or more threaded sensor holders onto the POD kit,
see fi gure
Carefully unscrew the protecti on tube from the sensor,
see fi gure
. Keep the protecti on tube for storing
the sensor over winter.
Rinse the end of the sensor with tap water and shake off excess water,
see fi gure
• Never wipe the sensor using a cloth or paper ti ssue, as this may damage it.
• A badly-installed sensor may give false readings and cause inappropriate operati on of the
appliance. Neither the manufacturer nor the appliance shall be liable in this event.
Screw the sensor into the sensor holder by holding the BLUE or YELLOW ti p in one hand and the black ti p
in the other hand to prevent the cable from tangling,
see fi gure
Once the sensor has been installed on the POD kit, it can be connected to the BNC socket (BLUE = pH;
YELLOW = ORP) of the pH Link or Dual Link module,
see “2.5.3 Electrical connecti on steps”, see fi gure
The sensor must then be calibrated,
“5.3 I Calibrati ng the sensors (if an opti onal “pH Link” or “Dual
Link” module has been installed)”