3.5.2 Installing the pH minus sucti on line
Cut a suitable length of hose from the coil supplied to connect the container of pH minus to the peristalti c
Unscrew the connector cap and att ach the hose to the connector at the outlet of the peristalti c pump,
fi gure
Screw the cap in place.
Repositi on the protecti ve cover on the peristalti c pump.
Drill two holes into the cap of the pH minus container,
see fi gure
One hole suited to the diameter of the hose to aspirate the product.
One smaller hole to prevent the container from becoming deformed during aspirati on of the product.
Pass the free end of the hose through the hole made in the cap and put the ceramic weight provided and
the support ti p on the hose,
see fi gure
Ensure that ALL connecti ons are correct and waterti ght before operati ng the appliance.
Do not place the pH minus container directly beneath electrical equipment in the technical room to prevent
risk of corrosion resulti ng from potenti al acidic vapours.