USB: Displays whether this system is connected to a USB flash disk or not; press this icon to show the safe removal of
the USB interface.
From left to right in the bottom line: Input method, DICOM task sequence, battery indicator
Input method: Press this icon to switch between the English and German input methods.
DICOM task sequence: Press this icon to show the DICOM task and situation, to terminate or delete the DICOM task,
and so on. DICOM must be activated for this
Battery display: Displays the connection situation of the battery; simply press this icon to display the present battery sta-
tus, the charging and discharging status, the remaining electrical voltage and the remaining time available.
From left to right: Power adapter indicator, charge status indicator, standby indicator.
Power adapter indicator: When the unit is connected to the power source via the power adapter, this icon appears on
Charge indicator: Indicates the charge status of the battery. When the battery is fully charged, the indicator goes off.
Standby indicator: When the main unit is in standby mode, the indicator is lit, otherwise it is turned off.