2-jaw parallel gripper, hybrid, HRC-04 series
DDOC00269 / d
EN / 3/31/2020
Zimmer GmbH
Im Salmenkopf 5
77866 Rheinau, Germany
+49 7844 9138 0
+49 7844 9138 80
8.1.2 IODD import
Importing the IODD (device description) into the control system.
Call up our website at
Select the desired gripper and download the corresponding .zip file via the „Download IODD“ link.
The “.zip file” is required for importing into the control system.
When the hardware configuration is complete and the IO-Link connection to the gripper is established, some
data must be visible in the process input data.
Some control systems demand a byte swap to bring this process data into a logical sequence.
To determine whether a byte swap is necessary, you can view bit 6 (GripperPLCActive) in the „StatusWord“.
► For this purpose, it is necessary to determine whether bit 6 is active in the first or second status byte.
If bit 6 is active in the first byte, the bytes already have the correct sequence and commissioning
can be continued.
If bit 6 is active in the second byte, a byte swap still has to be applied here.
For further information, refer to the „StatusWord“ section.
It is mandatory to verify the process data!
The gripper is controlled via IO-Link by means of the cyclical process data as well as the acyclical service data
with a cycle time of 5 ms.
8.2 „Handshake“ data transfer method
All process data that is transferred to the gripper and is described in the sections that follow must be transferred
using the „handshake“ method.
This method is referred to as a „handshake“ because it enables „clean“ transfer.
The process data transfer takes place, so to speak, from „hand to hand“ - from the control system to the
The following steps are required for the „handshake“:
The data transfer starts with the transfer of
"ControlWord" = 0x01
to the gripper.
Subsequently, the response of the gripper must be tested by means of
"Statusbit" 12 = TRUE
(data trans-
fer OK).
Following this, the “ControlWord” = 0
can be sent, which ends the data transfer.
The operator automatically concludes the data transfer with the
“ControlWord” = 0x00
and the corres-
ponding response from the gripper via the
“Statusbit” 12 = FALSE