System set-up
Page 9
Switch on the device using the power switch (18).
After it is switched on, Cryo 7 performs a one-time initial set-up.
You are guided through a brief menu with the following questions:
Language selection
Temperature display selection
Colour configuration
PT colour = blue
Derma colour = orange
If you would like to make an entry, activate the desired button.
If you would like to enter distributor information
Distributor name,
Distributor telephone
Distributor email
activate the desired button and enter the information using the keypad.
Activating the “Continue” button leads to the next screen page and activating
the “Back” button leads to the previous screen page.
The “Continue” button jumps to the next screen page.
Swiping left or right on the screen is also possible and leads to the previous
or next screen page.
The data in the initial set-
up are accepted by activating the “Save” button.
Thereafter Cryo 7 switches to the “Precooling” cooling phase. The cooling
phase is represented by an active bar display.
As long as the cooling phase is running and the bar display is active, no
button entries can be made. If the cooling phase has completed, the bar
display ends and Cryo 7 switches directly to the therapy screen.