Tacho PPR
The EVMS can drive your vehicle’s OEM
tachometer as an ammeter, displaying
hundreds of amps instead of thousands of RPM.
Tachometers typically expect a number of
Pulses Per Revolution, being half the number of
cylinders that the original engine had.
Fuel Gauge Full
0 - 100%
Because every vehicle’s OEM gauges use
different scaling, these four parameters allow
the EVMS to tune it’s outputs to suit your gauges.
When these parameters are selected for editing,
the EVMS will drive the appropriate gauge for
the current parameter, allowing you to tune the
gauge visually. (Note that you may need the
key in the On position to power the instrument
cluster – but enter Setup mode first.)
Fuel Gauge Empty
0 - 100%
Temp Gauge Hot
0 - 100%
Temp Gauge Cold
0 - 100%
BMS: Min Voltage
1.50 - 4.00V
Adjusts the low voltage warning threshold for
each cell in your traction pack.
BMS: Max Voltage
2.00 - 4.50V
Adjusts the high voltage warning threshold for
each cell in your traction pack.
Balance Threshold
2.00 - 4.50V,
or OFF
Adjusts the voltage threshold at which BMS
modules will be instructed to balance high cells.
Either a fixed Voltage (usually equal to average
maximum charge voltage) for “top of charge”
balancing, Dynamic to set balance threshold to
be equal to the average cell voltage at any time,
or Off to disable balancing.
BMS: Hysteresis
0 - 0.50V
Only applicable in Stationary Mode, to prevent
rapid oscillation of self-resetting outputs by
adding a hysteresis band. Please refer to section
Stationary Mode for more information.
BMS: Min Temp
OFF (-40) or
A temperature exceeding these values will
automatically shut down the system. In Running
mode, there will be 10 seconds of warning
before an automatic shutdown. Shutdown can
be suppressed by acknowledging the warning
within 10 seconds.
BMS: Max Temp
-40-100˚C or
OFF (101)
Low Temp Chg Rest.
Low Temperature Charge Restriction setting
can disable charging if the battery temperature
is below the programmed Low Temp Warning
threshold, rather than just provide a warning.
Max Charge Voltage
Only applicable when using a TC Charger with
CAN integration to the EVMS, these set the
target voltage and current that are sent to the
charger (for its CCCV charging algorithm). The
“Alt” settings are only used if the MPI function
is set to “Alt charge”, and the MPI terminal is
connected to ground/chassis.
Max Charge Current
Alt Charge Voltage
Alt Charge Current
Sleep Delay
1-5min / OFF Sets the time delay before the EVMS will go to
sleep when in Idle mode. Can be disabled by
setting to Off, but note that the CAN bus and
other peripherals will remain powered up which
results in higher quiescent power consumption,
which can flatten batteries more quickly.
MPI Function
Sets the function of the Multi-Purpose Input
terminal and the two Multi-Purpose Output
terminals. Please refer to section Multi-Purpose
Inputs and Outputs below for further details.
MPO1 Function
MPO2 Function
Parallel Strings
The EVMS normally uses the sum of cell
voltages to calculate the overall battery voltage.
In installations with multiple strings of cells and
BMS modules in parallel, this setting can be
used to correct the voltage calculation.
Enable precharge
The EVMS’s internal precharger (if present)
can be disabled – but make sure your motor
controller does not require it, or contactor
damage may result!
Stationary Mode
Switches the EVMS into Stationary Mode,
for battery backup and off-grid power type
applications. Please refer to the Stationary
Applications section for more information.