This section describes how to use the Zetron ZIPR Off-line Programming Interface
software and the USB-TTL adapter to configure the Digital Tone Remotes. It covers
installing the software on your PC, connecting the PC to the unit using interface adapter, a
few tips on using the program, a summary of the programmable features, and how to
program a remote.
There are several reasons for using PC software for configuring the tone remote desksets.
The primary ones are power and convenience. Much effort has gone into making the
Digital Tone Remotes as flexible as possible in terms of what the installer can custom
configure in the field. This was done to make it easy to match whatever configuration the
end-user was already using in their system; however, it also means that there are a
of items that can be programmed. Allowing the installer to enter all this
programming from the front panel switches (or forcing him or her to do so) would soon
turn into an annoying maze of keypad commands.
Turning the job over to ZIPR exports all the programming overhead from the remote to a
PC and gives the installer a much more powerful interface to use in entering changes.
Other benefits that result from this arrangement are:
• The ability to easily read the data out of remotes that you don't know the history of
and document how they are configured.
• The ability to clone previously programmed remotes with little time or effort.
• An easy method to produce written records of the programming in a remote for
archive purposes.
This section requires you to have all the contents of your programming kit (P/N 950-9449)
handy. For a list of these items, see
Installing the ZIPR Software
The SIPR software is located on the CD, P/N 395-0082. Follow the instructions
“ReadMe.pdf” for: