This is a toggle function in which one function tone is sent to the base station upon
activating the function and another is sent when disabling it. Typically used to enable/
disable a voice scrambling device at the station.
Repeater On/Off
Another toggle function with different function tones sent upon turning on or off this
feature. Typically used to place the repeater in/out of service.
2nd Receiver Mute
Another toggle function with different function tones sent upon turning on or off this
feature. Typically used to mute the audio taken from a second receiver at the station.
Wild Card #1
Another toggle function with different function tones sent upon turning on or off this
feature. Can be assigned for any function that is special to the particular system the remote
is used in.
Wild Card #2
This serves the same function as Wild Card #1.
Hook Disable
This is a toggle function with different function tones sent upon turning on or off this
feature. It also has the property that while the feature is activated, any function tones that
are programmed to be sent whenever the handset is taken on or off-hook will no longer be
transmitted. This is typically used for a function such as “Emergency Monitor” in which
this button forces the base station into Monitor and keeps it there, even if the remote is
programmed to go out of Monitor upon placing the handset back on-hook .
PL1 Select
Used to select which PL tone is being transmitted. This function sends a function tone
upon pressing this key. It remains active until a different PL key is selected. Up to four
separate PL select keys can be programmed.
Supervisor Takeover
This allows the supervisor’s remote to take control of the station. No function tones are
transmitted. When active, the terminal of TB3 labeled “SUP” is pulled to ground
(normally high impedance). This output can be used to disconnect other remotes from the