ZEUS-200S/150 ZO-OM-007
REV : 08 12 ZERONE
If Dispersive Electrode is not closely adherent to the patient body, he/she can get a
burn sine high frequency current flows between Dispersive Electrode and the skin.
When using Patient Plate, you should bind it by something
like band, after putting
all over
the patient
on which
Patient Plate will be
adhered in order it to be
adhered to the patient skin completely.
t use Plate Electrode on implant, metal material, protruding bones and scars.
Clean skin required for operation and eliminate the oil and hair on it.
Make a short cut of the current path between Active Electrode and Dispersive.
4. Follow-Up Ways for Storage and Maintenance
- When removing a series of codes, don
t unplug them at a time.
- Don
t screw, bind or stack the cables.
- After performing an operation, sterilize all accessories and then store them.
- Turn off the power after using equipment and remove the power plug and store it
when leaving the office or not using for a long time.
About Cleaning
- Clean the main unit and foot switch with soft fabric which is wet with warm water
or alcohol at least once a month. If you use the material is designated cleaning, you
have to ask chemical manufacturer regarding effect of microbe.
Clean its external appearance with non-ignitable, non-explosive materials.
t use corrosive, easily-grinding materials that can damage it such as lacquer,
thinner, ethylene and oxidizing agents, etc. Don
t let the liquid into equipment.
- You should use 70% isopropyl alcohol or ethylalcohol when you clean accessories.
About Sterilization
- The accessory listed below must be used after sterilization.
Auto Clave
Reusable Bipolar Forceps
- Gravity Displacement (121
: 30minutes
- Drying time
: 20 minutes
Reusable Electrodes Tips
Reusable Monopolar Handle
- Gravity Displacement (121
: 20minutes
- Drying time
: 20 minutes
Check the followings before using this product.