6 • Setting the Case
Position hat channel rails with tape up.
1-door cases do not need hat channel rails.
2-door cases and 4' open multi-decks get 2 hat channel rails.
3 and 4-door cases and 6' and 8' open multi-decks get 3 hat channel rails. The center rail must be
angled to rest on the front and back bases. Do not position under drain hub!
5 and 6-door cases and 12' open multi-decks get 4 hat channel rails. Position as shown.
In most instances, shims must be added to make cases level. The shims are placed perpendicularly
under the hat channel rails (as illustrated bottom right). Refer to the appropriate remote display case
installation and operation manual (leveling section) for details.
Positioning Hat Channel Rails
Refer to the associated remote installation & operation manual for more information about setting and leveling a display case,
including base locations, optional bases, proper shimming, case squareness, case joining, and lineup assembly.
Hat Channel
Hat Channel
Highlight Merchandiser